Embrace the Spirit of the Magi Stephen Schmidt·January 7, 2024I have been struck the past few days of Epiphany by the image of the Magi. And somehow...Cafe InspiradoChurch ChatGod-Walk·0 Comments·2 mins read·0
Ever-Expanding Worldviews Stephen Schmidt·November 16, 2023Humans are mystical beings. We’re inquisitive. And whether we approach the universe scientifically or magically, rationally or spiritually,...Cafe InspiradoRethinking What We Believe·0 Comments·1 min read·0
This Pyrex Bowl Stephen Schmidt·November 4, 2023I’m cooking with this bowl tonight. And as I pulled it out of the cupboard, I lifted it...Cafe InspiradoGet Real·0 Comments·1 min read·0
Inherently Flawed Faith Stephen Schmidt·August 4, 2023Every faith, every belief system, every religion is inherently flawed. How could it not be? We humans are...Cafe InspiradoChurch ChatFeatured·0 Comments·2 mins read·0
The Blood, Sacrifices, and the Last Supper – a post-evangelical perspective Stephen Schmidt·July 16, 2023“For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you declare the Lord’s death until...Cafe InspiradoChurch ChatFeaturedRethinking What We Believe·1 Comment·14 mins read·0
A Jealous God? Stephen Schmidt·October 10, 2022“For I, the LORD, am a jealous God …” #Theology As someone engaged in public theology, from time...Cafe InspiradoFeaturedGod-Walk·0 Comments·1 min read·0
What’s So Wrong with Being a Christian Slut? Stephen Schmidt·July 10, 2021Editor’s note: This article originally ran in IMPACT Magazine in September 2015. Since the topic of sexuality and...Cafe InspiradoFeaturedGod-WalkLove & SexUncategorized·1 Comment·14 mins read·1
You’re here now … Stephen Schmidt·June 7, 2021#MorningCoffeeThoughts. What fun could there be in life for God who knows the end from the beginning? What’s...Cafe InspiradoFeaturedGet Real·0 Comments·1 min read·0
No Inconsequential Thing: A little perspective on life from Julian of Norwich Stephen Schmidt·September 4, 2020“For a man regards some deeds as well done and some as less so, but our Lord does...Cafe InspiradoFeaturedGod-WalkSpirituality·0 Comments·15 mins read·0
Making Time, Creating Space for the Sacred Stephen Schmidt·August 29, 2020“Come Worship with us …” That’s a common tag line on church websites and marquee signs. I just...Cafe InspiradoChurch ChatFeaturedSpirituality·0 Comments·6 mins read·0