Does Monogamy work in Same-Sex Relationships?

FromMeToWeWhat is monogamy, and is it a practical expectation for same-sex relationships? Pastor Romell and First Gentleman Damion Parks-Weekly delve into this topic in their first episode of From Me To We.

The gist of this episode is that single people need to SLOW DOWN and not try to rush into a relationship. Take time to get to know and enjoy the other person. You need to know if they are worth you and they need to know if you are worth them. You need time to build your relationship on a stable foundation of friendship first if it’s going to work. Rushing in because there’s heat, because there’s passion and attraction, isn’t grounds enough for a lasting connection. If you want real love, it takes time to build — and you NEED that time to determine if he is Mr. Right after all.

Romell and Damion remind viewers that monogamy involves more than just sex. It also means keeping your heart and thoughts only for the one you’ve chosen. The best things come to those who wait!

Take a look…

* See more “From Me to We” videos by Pastor Romell and Damion Parks-Weekly on their YouTube channel.


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Weekly-Romell2ROMELL WEEKLY pastors The Sanctuary, an affirming congregation in Saint Louis, Missouri, and has written three life-changing books about homosexuality and the Bible: Homosexianity, The Rebuttal, and his latest book, Homosexuality and the Death of the Church — all available from in paperback and Kindle format. He is the founder of The Center For Affirming Theology and also blogs at Third Day Faith.

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The Rebuttal: A Biblical Response Exposing The Deceptive Logic Of Anti-Gay Theology

 by Pastor Romell D. Weekly

Homosexianity: Letting Truth Win The Devastating War Between Scripture, Faith & Sexual Orientation

 by Pastor Romell D. Weekly

In these two faith-affirming books, Pastor Weekly uncovers the biblical witness about sexual orientation and gender identity that will bring peace to your soul, and equip you to effectively minister to members of the LGBT community from a spirit of love and truth.
