Soul Business
Ain’t after objective
or prestige
I’m after
the peace and quiet
a rested soul deserves
I’m in the business
of saving my own soul
One bird song
and shade tree at a time
Life’s Yin Yang of Love
Then parts of the world love me
then parts love me not
And the same goes for me
loving parts of the world
Watching Ducklings
The lucky man next to Kapiolani Park Bandstand
He is watching ducklings and their mum
Without a care in the world,
Except for cats and mongoose and maybe an adventurous dog
The duck mum is cruising them around the artificial pond
Our lucky man, without a care in the world,
Except for genocide, powerbrokers stealing the water and privacy
And of course his daughter’s orthodontist appointment
Sits on the steps of the bandstand
Watching ducklings, ducks, dragonflies and the occasional bird and thought in flight
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ChittyChittyBangBang places a great premium on privacy, so he/she prefers to remain behind the pen-name (that movie makes him/her smile & he/she loves Dick Van Dyke). ChittyChittyBangBang is a teacher-coach-soldier, and has been writing for 25 years. Born in California, raised secret hell in Arizona, now stranded on tropical island, CCBB loves the way the world is shrinking, where our children can hopefully live in a world where merit is based on the good works and deeds of men and women — this is the world worth writing about and the world worth loving in.