Dear Queer Souls of 2025: It’s Time to Rise

Editor’s note: With the new presidential administration trying to legally define sex & gender as only male and female, Christiano’s post seems all the more relevant and important.

This year, I invite you to pause for a moment and look inward—not with judgment, but with reverence. To sit with your queerness and marvel at what it has survived, what it has created, and what it has yet to become.

Because in 2025, the call to rise has never been louder.

You are the Legacy of Resilience

Every breath you take is rebellion. Every step forward is a chapter in a story our ancestors only dreamed of writing. Remember this: You are here because someone before you fought to exist. Your queerness isn’t just personal; it’s part of a legacy, one etched into the fabric of time by warriors who refused to vanish. This year, honor their courage by standing boldly in your truth.

The World Needs You to Lead

Look around—the world is shifting. Old paradigms are crumbling, and in their place, something new is emerging. We, as queer people, were made for this moment. We know how to live in the in-between, to create beauty where there was once chaos. In 2025, the world doesn’t just need our voices; it needs our leadership. So speak up. Step forward. Your perspective is not just valid—it’s vital.

Your Pain Holds the Seeds of Power

Let’s not sugarcoat it: Being queer in this world can be exhausting. The microaggressions, the systemic inequities, the daily battle to exist—they take a toll. But here’s the truth: The cracks they leave in you are where your light gets in. Inside your pain is a well of strength you didn’t know you had. This year, tap into it. Use it to fuel your growth, your art, your activism, your joy.

Rest is Revolutionary

In a culture that glorifies productivity, resting as a queer person is an act of defiance. Rest isn’t just self-care; it’s survival. It’s the soil where new ideas take root, where healing begins, where your magic regenerates. Rest is where you reclaim your energy from a world that often drains it. In 2025, rest unapologetically and often.

Be Wildly, Unapologetically You

This world loves to tame people—to shrink them down until they fit into neat little boxes. But we were never meant to be boxed in. Our queerness is wild, untamed, and unapologetic, and that is its power. This year, stop apologizing for the ways you don’t conform. Wear that outfit. Love that person. Dream that dream. Let your queerness take up space—it’s what it was born to do.

Find the Others

There is no queerness without community. Alone, we are brave, but together, we are unstoppable. If you feel isolated in this digital age, seek out your people. Join a group. Show up at the rally. Smile at the stranger in the rainbow pin. Because when queer people gather, magic happens. In 2025, make it your mission to find your people and hold them close.

The Future is Queer

As queer people, we don’t just navigate this world; we shape it. We challenge the status quo. We reimagine what love, family, and freedom can look like. And the truth is, the future has always been queer. In 2025, let’s own that. Let’s build that future—brick by brick, dance by dance, kiss by kiss.
Queer soul, you are the revolution. This year is yours to rise, to heal, to lead, and to thrive.

What does rising look like for you in 2025?  Let’s dream it into existence together!