Crucify Jesus and Save the Church: A Holy Week Manifesto Rev. Jeff Hood·March 31, 2015I don’t really like going to church. There are some ministers who love the mystery and majesty of...Church Chat·11 Comments·3 mins read·0
A Gay Dad’s Letter to the Evangelicals Who Recruited Him When He Was 9… Rob Watson·July 29, 2014The headline pissed me off when I read it in my news feed. “Evangelical Group Plans to Convert...FeaturedHot Topics·6 Comments·5 mins read·0
More Dangerous Than Westboro’s Phelps? Oh Yes! Susan Cottrell·July 16, 2014 “Dads, the second you see your son dropping the limp wrist, you walk over there and you...FreedHearts·8 Comments·4 mins read·0
Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome Robert Lofgren·July 7, 2014Certain words and phrases can trigger it. I have several mixed emotions. I want to participate, but then...FeaturedGay Post-EvangelicalGod-Walk·15 Comments·5 mins read·0
Do You Trust The Church? Susan Cottrell·July 4, 2014 The church has a serious image problem. A while back, a pastor we knew proposed to the local fire...FreedHearts·11 Comments·3 mins read·0
We Are NOT God’s Hall Monitor Susan Cottrell·June 18, 2014Why was the shoe stopped by the hall monitor? Because it was being knotty. 🙂 What is the...Church ChatFreedHearts·5 Comments·5 mins read·0
John MacArthur, Bad Theology, and LGBTQ Suicides Brandan Robertson·June 11, 2014Yesterday, my friend Benjamin Corey posted a video on his blog featuring the well-known fundamentalist mega-pastor Dr. John MacArthur answering a...FeaturedHot Topics·19 Comments·6 mins read·0
Choose Life or Death Susan Cottrell·June 4, 2014 Some days I just get up and go. I know my list of things to do, and...Church ChatFreedHearts·2 Comments·3 mins read·0