Coming Out of the Closet: A Pastor’s Reflection One Year Later Joel Hollier·June 29, 2018It’s been one year since I resigned as a pastor. With tears and relief, I said goodbye to...FeaturedGet RealGod-Walk·0 Comments·4 mins read·0
Is Your Faith Transactional or Transformational? It makes all the difference in the world. Jenny Archer·September 20, 2017One of the central themes repeated in Scripture is the call for us to seek God. When we...FeaturedGod-Walk·0 Comments·10 mins read·0
Growing Beyond the Formulas Stephen Schmidt·November 16, 2015I just saw a cute meme on Facebook. Sounds almost like the beginning of a joke, right? But...Cafe InspiradoFeaturedGod-Walk·9 Comments·5 mins read·0
Don’t Cast Your Pearls Before Swine Susan Cottrell·July 17, 2014 Raj has a tenuous relationship with his mother. She is trying to love him, but her church...FreedHeartsGod-Walk·11 Comments·3 mins read·0
Come to the Dark Side – We Have Cookies! Susan Cottrell·July 7, 2014 My friend just texted me: “I’m causing quite a stir with my meeting with the pastor!” She...FeaturedFreedHeartsGod-Walk·13 Comments·5 mins read·0