What Happens in High School Doesn’t Stay in High School … and should not end up on the Supreme Court David W. Shelton·September 28, 2018Since “what happened in high school” is all part of the national discussion, let me tell you about...FeaturedHot Topics·0 Comments·3 mins read·0
Celebration and Sadness: Mixed Feelings over Marriage Equality Robert Lofgren·June 30, 2015I believe that celebration is the appropriate response for what has just happened in our nation with the...Gay Post-EvangelicalHot Topics·6 Comments·6 mins read·0
And then God struck …. Not. Stephen Schmidt·June 26, 2015Minutes after the US Supreme Court handed down their ruling overturning bans on same-sex marriage, posts were already...Cafe InspiradoFeaturedHot Topics·43 Comments·4 mins read·0
Christians: Stop letting hate control the conversation on LGBT equality! David W. Shelton·April 30, 2015As the country moves forward with the idea of embracing marriage equality after the Supreme Court hands down...Hot Topics·12 Comments·7 mins read·0
A Vision of Roman Catholic Affirmation Steven Kandow·July 25, 2013Ihad just finished listening to the reading of the Palm Sunday Gospel. As I sat down for the...Church ChatFeaturedGOD-TALK·1 Comment·9 mins read·0
The Joy, The Rage, The Supreme Court David K. Wheeler·June 29, 2013Waking up Tuesday morning, I was a trembling wreck of a person. Like many of us, I’d watched...CULTURE SAVVYFeaturedHot Topics·4 Comments·4 mins read·0
In Defense of Marriage Jill Carroll·June 28, 2013I spent much of the day celebrating with my family when the Supreme Court’s decision overturning the Defense...CULTURE SAVVYFeaturedHot Topics·6 Comments·3 mins read·0