Shedding Religion to Embrace Life! Susan Cottrell·August 21, 2014 “You have no obligation to defend your journey. There is no jury for you to answer to....FreedHeartsGod-Walk·10 Comments·3 mins read·0
Infected With Religion Susan Cottrell·August 6, 2014Our friend Bobby was a hemophiliac. At one point, he needed a blood transfusion; unfortunately, Bobby received his...FreedHearts·2 Comments·2 mins read·0
Do You Trust The Church? Susan Cottrell·July 4, 2014 The church has a serious image problem. A while back, a pastor we knew proposed to the local fire...FreedHearts·11 Comments·3 mins read·0
Angry Pulpits, Empty Churches Stephen Schmidt·June 3, 2014I seem to alienate a lot of my preacher friends. They’re good people, for the most part, just...Cafe InspiradoChurch Chat·26 Comments·3 mins read·0
The Lying Church Stephen Schmidt·February 8, 2014I got annoyed again. Okay, maybe this trend says more about me than about the Church, but from...Cafe InspiradoChurch ChatFeatured·9 Comments·6 mins read·0
Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin? Pastor Romell Parks-Weekly·September 12, 2012 doubt there is a Christian in America who hasn’t heard the almost credal aphorism, “Love the sinner,...GOD-TALKGod-Walk·0 Comments·5 mins read·0