My Journey, My Scars Ricky Cintron·June 9, 2016 I had the honor of sitting on a panel for my school’s Queer Student Union a few...Get Real·3 Comments·5 mins read·0
Breaking Up Was One of the Best Things to Ever Happen to Me Stephen Schmidt·May 13, 2016A couple of friends on social media have posted recently about the difficulties they’re having after breaking up...Cafe InspiradoFeaturedLove & Sex·3 Comments·6 mins read·0
Easing Out of the Closet on the Down Low: 5 tips for being safe L.A. Jamison·July 8, 2015Let’s face it: sexuality is a complex thing. Not everyone knows they are born gay or straight right...Love & Sex·5 Comments·5 mins read·0
LGBT Evolution: We don’t need the Castro anymore Stephen Schmidt·March 20, 2015My boyfriend and I just got back from a trip to San Francisco. If you’ve never been, you...Cafe InspiradoFeaturedHot Topics·13 Comments·7 mins read·0
From the Dust Bowl to Your Destiny Stephen Schmidt·February 12, 2011“Jacob left Beersheba and set out for Haran” (Gen 28:10). What could be possibly one of the most...Cafe InspiradoGod-Walk·5 Comments·6 mins read·0
Change begins with recognition Stephen Schmidt·October 1, 2008I woke up this morning feeling a little irritable. No particular reason — I went to bed early...Cafe Inspirado·5 Comments·3 mins read·0
What’s in a name? Stephen Schmidt·September 16, 2008An amazing thing happened today. I was headed out of the kitchen this morning, coffee in hand, when...Cafe Inspirado·1 Comment·2 mins read·0