My Homosexual Agenda Robert Lofgren·June 26, 2014I have a homosexual agenda, but it’s not what you think. Today I was dialoguing in one of...Gay Post-EvangelicalHot Topics·11 Comments·5 mins read·0
Good News? What’s So Good About It? Stephen Schmidt·June 18, 2014All the religious/political hooplah that’s been in the news so much recently has left many people with a...Cafe InspiradoFeaturedGod-Walk·15 Comments·9 mins read·0
Don’t Blame the Evangelicals Stephen Schmidt·May 10, 2012Hot topic of the week: North Carolina votes to forbid same-sex marriages in their state, and President Obama...Cafe InspiradoCULTURE SAVVYHot Topics·5 Comments·2 mins read·0
Good News? What Good News? Stephen Schmidt·November 24, 2011Weird thing happened last night at church. A bunch of us got together for our weekly Bible study,...Cafe InspiradoGOD-TALKGod-Walk·0 Comments·7 mins read·0