The Doorway to God is Always Open
here is a scene in one of my favorite movies, Latter Days, when a young Mormon elder is...
My Phat Status
[box type=”bio”] GREG WHITE is an Oklahoma City-based illustrator who specializes in children’s book illustration and character...
10 Questions You Should Answer Before Entering into Same-Sex Marriage
e have turned a corner on the question of same-sex marriage. This past election day, three more states...
Review: “Is It a Choice?” by Eric Marcus
Is It a Choice?: Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions About Gay and Lesbian People (3rd edition)...
Anything That Stretches You
Anything That Stretches You Robert was rather attractive but didn’t have much between the ears. It became apparent...
Sabbath, Self-Care & Keeping Sane in Ministry
ne topic that comes up often for those of us in ministry, especially ministry in the grey space,...
Learning to Enjoy the Ride
have always had a heart for God. However, it wasn’t until my freshman year of high school that...
On Thanksgiving and Sweet Potatoes
n top of all the other joyful madness that occurs this time of year, in my world Thanksgiving...
Birthgay Decisions
years. The big Three-Zero. One score and ten. Some of you may be some distance from reaching this...
Opening My Mind, Opening My Heart
y Christian friend posted a note on her Facebook page about homosexuality, challenging the assumption that homosexuality is...