Living Your Authentic Truth
speak from direct experience as a, once, straight woman who for the past forty years has lived a...
Creating the Best Christmas
Last weekend, I set off to do my Christmas shopping. As a single gay Dad, time to do...
Confessions of a Sheltered Gay: Grindr
s romance dead in gay culture? If you’re looking for emotional stability, I can successfully say that you...
School Prayer, School Massacre, and Tying God’s Hands
“It’s an interesting thing. We ask why there’s violence in our schools, but we’ve systematically removed God from...
Ask a Librarian, and Lilac
Ask a Librarian Is Mr. S. gay? Is Ms. G., you know—? I have the answers I probably...
AIDS, Brotherly Love, and Healing the World
ark was not my biological twin brother, he was my spiritual and emotional twin. We met on March...
Love Better, Love More
esterday, after spending most of my morning and afternoon working on one of my last papers for the...
Emotion, Flare & Change
Bonjour beauty junkies! he Holiday Season has arrived! For most, this is the season to get together with...
Dancing with the Czars
Chapter 4: The sassy saga of Dot & Dash continues … my knocked and opened the office...
Busting the Plateau with Mini-Workouts
typical workout for an average person consists of about 30 minutes to 1 hour of lifting weights. And...