A Gay Dad Thanks Justice Kennedy for Hearing His Kids’ Voices
few months ago, I wrote a blog piece in anticipation of the Supreme Court review of marriage equality...
Too Disturbing?
arlier this week, I submitted some posters to the digital communications office at University of Tulsa to display...
Love & Sex Q&A: My In-Law’s Uncontrollable Children
Dear L&S Q&A, Five years ago my husband and I adopted our son, he is the light of...
Broken Record
Chapter 6: The sassy saga of Dot & Dash continues … ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hy do you need me to...
Depression … and Life
ometimes it just gets the better of you. Sometimes it’s debilitating, crippling. Other days it’s bearable, doable. Some...
An American in Europe
or years I had resisted trying a vacation in Europe for the simple reason: I hate flying. There’s...
Love & Sex Q&A: Recently Out at 45
Dear Love & Sex Q&A, Greetings! My name is Gregory. Recently I came out of the closet. I...
The “Ex-Gay” and “Enough Faith” Myths, and Why They Failed Me
have never been an ex-gay. I’ve never gone through an ex-gay ministry, or tried an ex-gay program, and...
A Gay Dad asks Sen. Rob Portman to Step Up as a Dad for All Gay Families
relate to the Portman family on many levels. Like Will Portman, I am also the son of a staunch Republican...
Exactly How Will You Pray for Me?
very once in a while, I encounter a fellow Christian who is completely taken back by my assertion...