Plan B – When God’s Promises Don’t Work Out Stephen Schmidt·April 24, 2013The morning started out like most of them do for me. I paced my livingroom and kitchen with...Cafe InspiradoFeaturedGOD-TALKGod-Walk·6 Comments·6 mins read·0
Pieces of ME Jase Simpson·April 21, 2013The pieces of me that often remain scattered because I don’t like to see the total picture have...PoetrySOUL FOOD·0 Comments·1 min read·0
Personal Defense Rule #1: Trust Your Instincts! Jeff McKissack·April 20, 2013ears ago I was working with local news media outlets across the country in an interesting experiment “luring”...FeaturedHealth & FitnessREAL LIFE·7 Comments·6 mins read·0
The Fantasy of Dating an Older Man Jonathan Welford·April 17, 2013t is commonplace in today’s society to have age-disparity relationships. In the straight world many men like to...FeaturedLove & SexLOVE, SEX, FAMILY·6 Comments·5 mins read·0
Feeling Safe Kat Marrinan·April 16, 2013he had a cold, so I ran us a bubble bath and brought the box of tissues into...Short StoriesSOUL FOOD·0 Comments·3 mins read·0
Bringing Up Bubber: My Son Wears Girl Clothes Jill Carroll·April 15, 2013y son wears girl clothes. He doesn’t dress himself yet, mind you. He’s only 9 months old, so...Family LifeLOVE, SEX, FAMILY·0 Comments·3 mins read·0
Recognizing God’s Voice Stephen Schmidt·April 13, 2013ometimes religious people really annoy me. Real life requires real answers — or sometimes at least the admission...Cafe InspiradoFeaturedGod-Walk·5 Comments·9 mins read·0
Who Made Me the Gender-Role Police? Lisa Salazar·April 9, 2013n a story in The New Yorker magazine titled “About a Boy: Transgender surgery at age sixteen,” Margaret...FeaturedGet RealREAL LIFE·4 Comments·4 mins read·0
An Open Letter to the Closeted Registered Runaway·April 2, 2013[box type=”shadow”] The following post comes from the anonymous blogger behind The Registered Runaway, a gay man navigating...FeaturedGet RealREAL LIFE·2 Comments·4 mins read·0
You Need Some Help! Stephen Schmidt·April 1, 2013 As a single guy, feeling the full weight of taking care of the house, the yard, the...Cafe InspiradoFeaturedLove & Sex·4 Comments·4 mins read·0