Abercrombie & Bitch
“In every school there are the cool and popular kids, and then there are the not-so-cool kids. We...
How to Say “No” Nicely
We’ve all been there. We’ve felt a connection with someone, and as with the majority of dating nowadays,...
Doughnuts and Scrabble
Sacrifice. If there was one word to describe my mom, that would be it. She sacrificed much bringing...
A Mother’s Day Card to All LGBT Parents – Including Gay Dads
Recently, author Jennifer Finney Boylan commented about her transgender experience: “After all these years, my own identity has...
The first time I saw her was as I waited in line behind several other people at the...
Today, I Choose To …
Sometimes, I think you have to travel back a bit before you can move forward in life, before...
Winches & Pulleys
Chapter 7: The snappy saga of Dot & Dash continues … ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dorothy Hammond stood on the large...
Gay Dad Makes Basketball Part of the Gay Agenda
Ihave a confession to make. As much as I loathe clichés and generalizations, there is one that I...
Can LGBT Christians be Reconciled with the Church?
Imagine for a moment a private conversation between five evangelical pastors and one gay rights advocate. I think...
Maintaining an Age-Disparity Relationship: From the Younger Man’s Perspective
n my role as a Dating and Relationship Coach I see a number of different clients come through...