The Joy, The Rage, The Supreme Court David K. Wheeler·June 29, 2013Waking up Tuesday morning, I was a trembling wreck of a person. Like many of us, I’d watched...CULTURE SAVVYFeaturedHot Topics·4 Comments·4 mins read·0
In Defense of Marriage Jill Carroll·June 28, 2013I spent much of the day celebrating with my family when the Supreme Court’s decision overturning the Defense...CULTURE SAVVYFeaturedHot Topics·6 Comments·3 mins read·0
Because Nobody Should Want to Die Jade Miller·June 14, 2013[box type=”shadow”] IMPACT Magazine is happy to introduce our new intern, Jade Miller. This article is her personal...Get RealREAL LIFE·19 Comments·8 mins read·0
Gay Pride: WWJD? Stephen Schmidt·June 5, 2013Well, it’s June. And for many LGBT people it’s a month of celebration, of parties, of activism and...Cafe InspiradoFeaturedHot Topics·8 Comments·7 mins read·0
A Decision, and You Make Me Proud Jarrod C. Lacy·May 29, 2013A Decision Let my table be lonesome, so that my salutations will be acquired through quietness and mindful...PoetrySOUL FOOD·4 Comments·1 min read·0
A Gay Dad Sounds Off About Fundamentalists Who Target Kids Rob Watson·May 28, 2013As a parent, my Job #1 is the protection and care of my children. It is my job...CULTURE SAVVYFamily LifeHot Topics·2 Comments·6 mins read·0
I Met a Man Terrie Johnson·May 27, 2013The office of the company I work for is in downtown Kansas City, well actually, it’s kind of...ENGAGEFeaturedREAL LIFE·2 Comments·6 mins read·0
You ARE home. Get Used to It Stephen Schmidt·May 22, 2013Songs are important. The words we sing, the words we listen to, sink in and take hold of...Cafe InspiradoGod-Walk·11 Comments·4 mins read·0
Love & Sex Q&A: Open Relationship Stress Jonathan Welford·May 22, 2013QDear Q & A, I have been with my partner for nearly 8 years. For the last five...FeaturedLove & SexLOVE, SEX, FAMILY·3 Comments·3 mins read·0
Tying God’s Hands with Our Expectations Stephen Schmidt·May 17, 2013One of the things I love about my “new spirituality” friends is that they’ve helped increase my faith...Cafe InspiradoFeaturedGod-Walk·0 Comments·9 mins read·0