Waiting on God for “The One”? Not so Much. Stephen Schmidt·August 24, 2013 Sigh. Another coffee-date finished. Nice enough guy, good conversation, but no sparks. Not gonna happen. Cross that...Cafe InspiradoFeaturedLove & SexLOVE, SEX, FAMILY·7 Comments·4 mins read·0
Haiku to You, Too A.W. Strouse·August 23, 2013The following are excerpts from A.W. Strouse’s Haiku to You, Too. Witty, sensual, laced with religious undertones, they...FeaturedPoetrySOUL FOOD·1 Comment·1 min read·0
Be the Ball Terrie Johnson·August 21, 2013Back in the day, way back in the day, when I was in high school and college, I...FeaturedGet RealREAL LIFE·5 Comments·4 mins read·0
Money, Personal Priorities, and Changing the World Stephen Schmidt·August 20, 2013We live for money. Let’s be honest. Especially if we’re American. It’s in our blood. And despite all...Cafe InspiradoENGAGEFeatured·3 Comments·7 mins read·0
Know and Be Known Michael Overman·August 16, 2013“It is strange to be known so universally and yet to be so lonely – Albert Einstein It’s...FeaturedFinding the BalanceGet Real·2 Comments·5 mins read·0
Review: “Let No Stranger Wait Outside Your Door” by Lou Kief Chris Rayan·August 15, 2013San Francisco, open your golden gate You let no stranger wait outside your door San Francisco, here is...CULTURE SAVVYReviews·0 Comments·2 mins read·0
A Gay Dad to the International Olympic Committee: Move the Damned Games Already Rob Watson·August 15, 2013Two masters of the art come face to face and battle wits, brawn, and skill to win their...CULTURE SAVVYHot Topics·3 Comments·6 mins read·0
Relationship Tips I Wish Someone Had Told Me Gary Taft·August 14, 2013As an older guy who’s experienced life and been around a bit, I often find myself being asked...FeaturedLove & SexLOVE, SEX, FAMILY·5 Comments·4 mins read·0
The Power of the Paradigm-Shifting Gospel Lisa Salazar·August 13, 2013As a transsexual Christian woman, I can say that when it comes to reconciling our faith to our...FeaturedGOD-TALKGod-Walk·5 Comments·6 mins read·0
How Can We Stop a Modern-Day Russian Hitler? Rob Watson·July 29, 2013[box] “Participation in these games must not be construed to be an endorsement of the policies and practices...CULTURE SAVVYFeaturedHot Topics·6 Comments·7 mins read·0