Out of Eden: The Fall Stephen Schmidt·September 21, 2013When God created humans, he placed them in a Garden. They had an idyllic life, full of beauty,...GOD-TALKLiving Stories·2 Comments·5 mins read·0
Review: “Something Like Summer” Series by Jay Bell BJ Sheppard·September 16, 2013I arrived at the male-male fiction party a bit late wearing yesterdays clothes and forgetting to bring my...CULTURE SAVVYFeaturedReviews·2 Comments·7 mins read·0
“Flaunting” Your Sexuality: Not Just a Gay Thing David W. Shelton·September 14, 2013Every time I hear someone ask why we gay people should have to “advertise” our homosexuality or our...CULTURE SAVVYFeaturedHot Topics·10 Comments·3 mins read·0
Marriage Advice I Wish I Had IMPACT Staff·September 13, 2013We all need help with our relationships. And we’ll take advice from all kinds of sources, as long...Love & SexLOVE, SEX, FAMILY·1 Comment·8 mins read·0
Honoring Our (Dysfunctional) Parents David B. Cooper·September 11, 2013“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is...FeaturedGet RealREAL LIFE·0 Comments·4 mins read·0
Review: “The Pomegranate King” by Nishta Mehra Jade Miller·September 9, 2013With charming wit and remarkable transparency, Nishta Mehra summons us into the world of a woman who identifies...CULTURE SAVVYFeaturedReviews·0 Comments·2 mins read·0
Creation & the Garden of Eden Stephen Schmidt·September 6, 2013“Where do we come from?” is a basic question asked by virtually every human being. Curiosity about our...FeaturedGOD-TALKLiving Stories·3 Comments·4 mins read·0
Soul Business, and Others ChittyChittyBangBang·September 5, 2013Soul Business Ain’t after objective gold power or prestige I’m after the peace and quiet a rested soul...FeaturedPoetrySOUL FOOD·0 Comments·1 min read·0
Walking the Gay and Narrow Terrie Johnson·August 30, 2013Almost four years ago at the ripe old age of 49, I became a daily walker. Lest you...Get RealREAL LIFE·1 Comment·4 mins read·0
5 Easy DIY Steps to Better Skin Amanda Austin·August 28, 2013Dry, tight and itchy skin isn’t just a cosmetic issue; it can be downright painful! We’ve all been...CULTURE SAVVYStyle·1 Comment·3 mins read·0