Noah, the Ark, and the Great Flood Stephen Schmidt·November 10, 2013Humanity has seen some dark times. And we, as individuals, will experience corruption, chaos, and violence in our...GOD-TALKLiving Stories·1 Comment·5 mins read·0
10 Reasons I Will Never Again Be Part of a Non-Affirming Church Pastor Romell Parks-Weekly·November 9, 2013Being gay is tough sometimes. Being a gay Christian can be even tougher. This week, a Church of...Church ChatFeaturedGOD-TALK·11 Comments·5 mins read·0
10 Tips to Survive and Thrive in a Long Distance Relationship Omar·November 5, 2013With more and more people meeting online, it’s much easier these days to connect with someone who may...FeaturedLove & SexLOVE, SEX, FAMILY·6 Comments·5 mins read·0
Murder 1 – Cain & Abel Stephen Schmidt·November 2, 2013Dysfunctional families aren’t a modern invention. There never was an ideal time when family life matched Norman Rockwell...GOD-TALKLiving Stories·3 Comments·4 mins read·0
Review: “Bear, Otter & The Kid” by TJ Klune BJ Sheppard·November 2, 2013Some books inspire a real feeling of emotion that can elude expression with words. Have you ever found...CULTURE SAVVYFeaturedReviews·12 Comments·6 mins read·0
Coming Out in my 40s and Never Dated a Man Jonathan Welford·October 31, 2013QDear Love & Sex Q&A, I’ve dated girls all of my adult life, with one experience in high...Love & SexLOVE, SEX, FAMILY·1 Comment·3 mins read·0
Mexican Chicken Soup, Bachelor Style Stephen Schmidt·October 27, 2013One of the first sentences I ever learned in Spanish was “Me encanta comer, pero no me gusta...Cafe InspiradoFood!·6 Comments·5 mins read·0
Om Grown Food Mary Vettel·October 25, 2013Chapter 10: The snappy saga of Dot & Dash continues … ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dottie looked out her office...Short StoriesSOUL FOOD·15 Comments·12 mins read·0
Adrian Peterson & Hero Worship Phillip Larsen·October 24, 2013I graduated from The University of Oklahoma in 2006. I was fortunate enough to see Adrian Peterson burst...CULTURE SAVVYFeaturedHot Topics·0 Comments·3 mins read·0
A Man Chooses Death in Belgium Julie Finch·October 23, 2013A man chooses death in Belgium * Something went wrong with the surgeries, the article said “Botched,” I...PoetrySOUL FOOD·0 Comments·1 min read·0