How To Avoid Finding the Wrong Person Online Russian Fan·December 12, 2013Over the past decade, online dating has been an increasingly popular method for just about anyone and everyone...Love & SexLOVE, SEX, FAMILY·2 Comments·4 mins read·0
Christians and Satanists and Monuments, Oh My! Stan Randall·December 10, 2013The Satanic Temple wants to erect a monument in Oklahoma “as an homage to the historic/literary Satan,” right next...CULTURE SAVVYFeaturedHot Topics·9 Comments·8 mins read·0
Review: “Spoon and the Moon” Marie Davis·December 7, 2013Lesbian app developers Marie Davis and Margaret Hultz (aka Wickedly Sisters) talk about their multimedia iNovel app and...CULTURE SAVVYReviews·0 Comments·3 mins read·0
Grizzlies Made Me Gay David Stalling·December 4, 2013It happened on a chilly August morning in a high-mountain meadow about seven weeks into a ten-week, 1,000-mile...ENGAGEFeaturedGet RealREAL LIFE·1 Comment·4 mins read·0
Back in the Dating Game – What Makes a Good Condom? Stephen Schmidt·November 29, 2013When it comes to condoms, a lot of what you like is down to personal preference. So if...FeaturedLove & SexLOVE, SEX, FAMILY·5 Comments·3 mins read·0
Maybe it’s Francis, Maybe it’s Jesus Chris Rayan·November 26, 2013“I really like Pope Francis.” That’s what a Mormon friend of mine posted on his Facebook wall. It...Church ChatFeaturedGOD-TALK·3 Comments·2 mins read·0
Joy and the Striving Julie Finch·November 25, 2013 Joy and the striving Lord, I aim for joy I root for its essence, Its expression, I fall...PoetrySOUL FOOD·0 Comments·1 min read·0
Host a Family-Friendly Holiday Party Carroll Murphy·November 25, 2013Hosting a holiday party can be a family tradition with the proper preparations. According to Steve Poses, professional caterer...CULTURE SAVVYStyle·0 Comments·2 mins read·0
The Tower of Babel Stephen Schmidt·November 17, 2013Early in human history, the Bible describes humanity as being united in culture and language. And when they...GOD-TALKLiving Stories·0 Comments·2 mins read·0
From Good News to FOX News: Franklin Graham, Puppet Master Brandan Robertson·November 11, 2013We all can recall the scene: Shepherds in a field watching over their flocks of sheep at night....CULTURE SAVVYFeaturedHot Topics·3 Comments·6 mins read·0