Bachelor Food: Pasta Puttanesca Stephen Schmidt·October 28, 2016It’s been a while since we’ve run a foodie post, but the other day when I posted a...Cafe InspiradoFood!·0 Comments·4 mins read·0
Stop Looking for Mr Right Stephen Schmidt·October 26, 2016Today a friend took the gutsy step of publicly posting that he was back in the dating game,...Cafe InspiradoFeaturedLove & Sex·15 Comments·6 mins read·0
Sacramental “One Flesh” Union Includes Gay Couples Too Stephen Bradford Long·October 10, 2016Several years ago, as I was journeying out of the traditional theological view of gay marriage, I read...FeaturedLove & Sex·0 Comments·6 mins read·0
Many are Called but Few are Chosen: Making it happen or waiting for God? Pablo Giacopelli·September 30, 2016In the world we live in today where so many of us are constantly goal setting, have you...FeaturedGod-Walk·0 Comments·4 mins read·0
Finding Fulfillment as a Grocery Store Cashier Stephen Bradford Long·September 8, 2016“Wow” said the man, “you are still working at this store. I’m impressed. Most people with higher IQ’s don’t...FeaturedGet Real·0 Comments·4 mins read·0
LGBT Show “Disposable Teens” Nominated for Streamys IMPACT Staff·August 30, 2016OutliciousTV is pleased to announce season 1 of our LGBT drama series, Disposable Teens, has been nominated for...Reviews·0 Comments·1 min read·0
Intent versus Face Value: A Few (Shocking) Thoughts about the Bible Pastor Romell Parks-Weekly·August 23, 2016I am terrified of a church that applies the texts of Scripture at face value, without a serious...Church ChatFeatured·2 Comments·7 mins read·0
My Gender? My Sexuality? Do I really need to explain? John Backman·August 22, 2016Maybe you’ve seen this T-shirt… I think I want one … and I bet you know why. The...FeaturedHot Topics·0 Comments·5 mins read·0
Not So Blessed: When disaster takes out your enemy Stephen Schmidt·August 18, 2016 I had to resist rubbing my hands together in a weak moment of delighted schadenfreude when I...Cafe InspiradoChurch Chat·0 Comments·4 mins read·0
Invisible: HIV+ in Church Constantino Khalaf·August 11, 2016Daniel was out with his boyfriend the night he learned that he had contracted HIV. They had been...Church ChatFeatured·0 Comments·7 mins read·0