Review: “Intersex in Christ” by Jennifer Anne Cox Michelle O'Brien·October 3, 2018Intersex in Christ: Ambiguous Biology and the Gospel by: Jennifer Anne Cox Publisher: Cascade Books (July 20, 2018) Paperback: 188 pages...FeaturedReviews·0 Comments·18 mins read·0
Was the Apostle Paul Gay? Did his homosexuality shape Christianity? Kittredge Cherry·October 2, 2018Struggle against homosexual desire may have inspired Paul the Apostle to write sublime Biblical teachings on unconditional love...Church ChatFeatured·0 Comments·15 mins read·0
What Happens in High School Doesn’t Stay in High School … and should not end up on the Supreme Court David W. Shelton·September 28, 2018Since “what happened in high school” is all part of the national discussion, let me tell you about...FeaturedHot Topics·0 Comments·3 mins read·0
CBD, THC, and the Miracle of Medical Marijuana. Coming to a State near you. Jessica K·September 25, 2018Marijuana has been in the hot headlines every now and then for a few years now. With scientists...FeaturedHot Topics·0 Comments·5 mins read·0
No Favoritism in the Work Place for a Younger Gay Brother Jonathan Welford·September 21, 2018Dear Gay Uncle, I moved back to my childhood hometown. I got a promotion with work and although...Dear Gay UncleLove & Sex·0 Comments·3 mins read·0
13 Things Pastors Should Avoid when Discussing LGBTQI+ Inclusion and Affirmation Suzanne DeWitt Hall·September 20, 2018We recently found out our pastor “isn’t sure” whether being gay is a sin. Hearing her admit this...Church ChatFeatured·1 Comment·4 mins read·0
Books! Brandan Robertson’s “True Inclusion” Stephen Schmidt·September 11, 2018True Inclusion: Creating Communities of Radical Embrace By: Brandan Robertson Publisher: Chalice Press (Sept 11, 2018) Paperback and...Cafe InspiradoChurch ChatFeaturedReviews·0 Comments·11 mins read·0
Becoming a Bear upped my sex life. But now my health is suffering … Jonathan Welford·August 24, 2018Dear Gay Uncle, I fell into the bear movement a few years ago. It was a gateway to...Dear Gay UncleLove & Sex·136 Comments·3 mins read·0
Accents Ellis Billington·August 15, 2018E.M. Billington reflects on growing up in a small southern town, and eventually realizing that separating from where...FeaturedShort Stories·0 Comments·8 mins read·0
Party-crazy friend after his husband died … Jonathan Welford·August 10, 2018Dear Gay Uncle, My friend was widowed just over a year ago. He and his husband had an...Dear Gay UncleLove & Sex·0 Comments·2 mins read·0