Instant Coffee… Michael Overman·December 5, 2014Two spoonfuls of Maxwell House. Two packets of Sweet-n-Low. One spoonful of powdered, non-dairy creamer. And a mug...Finding the BalanceGet Real·3 Comments·4 mins read·0
Silent But Not Invisible Michael Overman·December 2, 2014Words can be twisted into any shape. Promises can be made to lull the heart and seduce the...FeaturedFinding the BalanceGet Real·2 Comments·4 mins read·0
Forgiveness Lair T. Miller·December 1, 2014L.T. Miller shares another scene in a continuing story about his adventures in (and coming out of) an ex-gay...FeaturedGet RealNew Hope·4 Comments·9 mins read·0
Outside the Lines Lair T. Miller·November 24, 2014L.T. Miller shares another scene in a continuing story about his adventures in (and coming out of) an...New Hope·4 Comments·9 mins read·0
Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore Stephen Schmidt·November 19, 2014I just read yet another article on why millennials are abandoning church. And honestly, if you’ve been around...Cafe InspiradoChurch ChatFeatured·11 Comments·6 mins read·0
Grandmother Lair T. Miller·November 17, 2014L.T. Miller shares another scene in a continuing story about his adventures in (and coming out of) an ex-gay...Get RealNew Hope·9 Comments·10 mins read·0
On Death, Dying, and Those Who Still Wait Kenny Pierce·November 11, 2014What follows below is a response to something that was tweeted this past week and which I, in...Get RealTangentials·0 Comments·13 mins read·0
The Anointing Lair T. Miller·November 10, 2014L.T. Miller shares another scene in a continuing story about his adventures in (and coming out of) an...FeaturedGet RealNew Hope·10 Comments·8 mins read·0
Who Cares What the Bible Says? Stephen Schmidt·November 7, 2014Okay, that title is a bit cheeky and misleading, but it cuts to the heart of the issue....Cafe InspiradoChurch ChatFeatured·25 Comments·6 mins read·0
On Why Being Gay is a Gift Robert Lofgren·November 4, 2014My sexual orientation is a gift. I haven’t always seen it that way, due to the wrong and...Gay Post-EvangelicalHot Topics·6 Comments·1 min read·0