Who Made Me the Gender-Role Police? Lisa Salazar·April 9, 2013n a story in The New Yorker magazine titled “About a Boy: Transgender surgery at age sixteen,” Margaret...FeaturedGet RealREAL LIFE·4 Comments·4 mins read·0
An Open Letter to the Closeted Registered Runaway·April 2, 2013[box type=”shadow”] The following post comes from the anonymous blogger behind The Registered Runaway, a gay man navigating...FeaturedGet RealREAL LIFE·2 Comments·4 mins read·0
Depression … and Life Michael Overman·March 25, 2013ometimes it just gets the better of you. Sometimes it’s debilitating, crippling. Other days it’s bearable, doable. Some...FeaturedFinding the BalanceGet Real·4 Comments·5 mins read·0
Someone Asked If I Ever Had a God Moment Lisa Salazar·March 1, 2013A God moment? I’ve had many, but the question made me think specifically of Jacob wrestling God, how...FeaturedGet RealREAL LIFE·4 Comments·9 mins read·0
Life, Death & Change Jill Carroll·February 24, 2013hings have drastically changed in my life recently. The biggest change is that I am now a parent:...FeaturedGet RealREAL LIFE·0 Comments·4 mins read·0
Living Your Authentic Truth Sidney Andrews·December 31, 2012speak from direct experience as a, once, straight woman who for the past forty years has lived a...Get Real·0 Comments·2 mins read·0
AIDS, Brotherly Love, and Healing the World Rob Watson·December 6, 2012ark was not my biological twin brother, he was my spiritual and emotional twin. We met on March...Get RealREAL LIFE·0 Comments·7 mins read·0
Birthgay Decisions Chris Rayan·November 8, 2012years. The big Three-Zero. One score and ten. Some of you may be some distance from reaching this...Get RealREAL LIFETestify!·2 Comments·3 mins read·0
Opening My Mind, Opening My Heart Rebecca Scharpf·November 5, 2012y Christian friend posted a note on her Facebook page about homosexuality, challenging the assumption that homosexuality is...Get RealREAL LIFETestify!·3 Comments·3 mins read·0
Mere Tolerance Kienan Mick·October 29, 2012Please do not be put off by the title. I am inspired by C.S. Lewis. A great man,...Get RealREAL LIFE·2 Comments·4 mins read·0