Grizzlies Made Me Gay David Stalling·December 4, 2013It happened on a chilly August morning in a high-mountain meadow about seven weeks into a ten-week, 1,000-mile...ENGAGEFeaturedGet RealREAL LIFE·1 Comment·4 mins read·0
Time Travel Conversations with My Teenage Self David W. Shelton·October 9, 2013Every sci-fi nerd has the wild, crazy dream of time travel. For those of us who have held...FeaturedGet RealREAL LIFEShort Stories·6 Comments·7 mins read·0
Grieving Straightness Michael Overman·September 23, 2013For many, coming out is liberating… But it’s not always this way. Some people are outed. Some are...FeaturedFinding the BalanceGet Real·18 Comments·5 mins read·0
Honoring Our (Dysfunctional) Parents David B. Cooper·September 11, 2013“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is...FeaturedGet RealREAL LIFE·0 Comments·4 mins read·0
Walking the Gay and Narrow Terrie Johnson·August 30, 2013Almost four years ago at the ripe old age of 49, I became a daily walker. Lest you...Get RealREAL LIFE·1 Comment·4 mins read·0
Be the Ball Terrie Johnson·August 21, 2013Back in the day, way back in the day, when I was in high school and college, I...FeaturedGet RealREAL LIFE·5 Comments·4 mins read·0
Know and Be Known Michael Overman·August 16, 2013“It is strange to be known so universally and yet to be so lonely – Albert Einstein It’s...FeaturedFinding the BalanceGet Real·2 Comments·5 mins read·0
Because Nobody Should Want to Die Jade Miller·June 14, 2013[box type=”shadow”] IMPACT Magazine is happy to introduce our new intern, Jade Miller. This article is her personal...Get RealREAL LIFE·19 Comments·8 mins read·0
Doughnuts and Scrabble Chris Rayan·May 12, 2013Sacrifice. If there was one word to describe my mom, that would be it. She sacrificed much bringing...Get RealREAL LIFE·1 Comment·3 mins read·0
Today, I Choose To … Terrie Johnson·May 5, 2013Sometimes, I think you have to travel back a bit before you can move forward in life, before...FeaturedGet RealREAL LIFE·8 Comments·7 mins read·0