How Beautiful Are You? Susan Cottrell·June 30, 2014Hannah, my beautiful youngest daughter, once told me she felt much more comfortable with her theater friends than...FreedHeartsGet Real·8 Comments·3 mins read·0
Family Relationships: The Fine Line Between Hope & Denial Susan Cottrell·June 28, 2014 After he came out, his mother burned his birth certificate and all his childhood photos in the...FreedHeartsGet Real·10 Comments·3 mins read·0
Reject Gays from Church? You’ve GOT to be Kidding Me! Susan Cottrell·June 27, 2014Is it scandalous to say that LGBTQ are just as valuable as everyone else? Is it scandalous to...Church ChatFreedHearts·1 Comment·2 mins read·0
An Affirming Pastor’s Letter to GLBT Christians Susan Cottrell·June 24, 2014“Let me begin by begging your forgiveness for the way you have been mistreated…” Wonderful readers, I share...FreedHeartsHot Topics·3 Comments·5 mins read·0
Legalism is Just Haggling Over Price Susan Cottrell·June 20, 2014At a dinner party Winston Churchill says to his dinner companion, “Madam, would you sleep with me for...FreedHeartsGod-Walk·11 Comments·3 mins read·0
We Are NOT God’s Hall Monitor Susan Cottrell·June 18, 2014Why was the shoe stopped by the hall monitor? Because it was being knotty. 🙂 What is the...Church ChatFreedHearts·5 Comments·5 mins read·0
Is John MacArthur More Dangerous Than Fred Phelps? Susan Cottrell·June 17, 2014 Shun your gay child? Don’t even have a meal with them? This is not the heart of...FreedHeartsHot Topics·7 Comments·6 mins read·0
Are You SURE You’re a Christian?? Susan Cottrell·June 14, 2014“Are you sure you’re a Christian? Because I don’t really think so–even though you say you are–and my...FreedHeartsGod-Walk·1 Comment·4 mins read·0
“Reparative Therapy”? AGAIN? Nooooo…. Susan Cottrell·June 11, 2014 The Texas GOP has added so-called “reparative therapy” to its new platform. How out-to-lunch, out of touch,...FreedHeartsPolitics·5 Comments·3 mins read·0
“Third Way” Applies to Rules, not People Susan Cottrell·June 10, 2014 Last week, I wrote about the “Third Way” in approaching the LGBTQ issue, and was surprised by responses from two...FreedHeartsGod-Walk·8 Comments·5 mins read·0