What the Duck? The Hidden Right Wing Agenda David W. Shelton·December 22, 2013Yes, we are all tired of the Phil Robertson and Duck Dynasty “controversy.” My own posts on Facebook...CULTURE SAVVYFeaturedHot Topics·3 Comments·6 mins read·0
Christians and Satanists and Monuments, Oh My! Stan Randall·December 10, 2013The Satanic Temple wants to erect a monument in Oklahoma “as an homage to the historic/literary Satan,” right next...CULTURE SAVVYFeaturedHot Topics·9 Comments·8 mins read·0
Review: “Spoon and the Moon” Marie Davis·December 7, 2013Lesbian app developers Marie Davis and Margaret Hultz (aka Wickedly Sisters) talk about their multimedia iNovel app and...CULTURE SAVVYReviews·0 Comments·3 mins read·0
Host a Family-Friendly Holiday Party Carroll Murphy·November 25, 2013Hosting a holiday party can be a family tradition with the proper preparations. According to Steve Poses, professional caterer...CULTURE SAVVYStyle·0 Comments·2 mins read·0
From Good News to FOX News: Franklin Graham, Puppet Master Brandan Robertson·November 11, 2013We all can recall the scene: Shepherds in a field watching over their flocks of sheep at night....CULTURE SAVVYFeaturedHot Topics·3 Comments·6 mins read·0
Review: “Bear, Otter & The Kid” by TJ Klune BJ Sheppard·November 2, 2013Some books inspire a real feeling of emotion that can elude expression with words. Have you ever found...CULTURE SAVVYFeaturedReviews·12 Comments·6 mins read·0
Mexican Chicken Soup, Bachelor Style Stephen Schmidt·October 27, 2013One of the first sentences I ever learned in Spanish was “Me encanta comer, pero no me gusta...Cafe InspiradoFood!·6 Comments·5 mins read·0
Adrian Peterson & Hero Worship Phillip Larsen·October 24, 2013I graduated from The University of Oklahoma in 2006. I was fortunate enough to see Adrian Peterson burst...CULTURE SAVVYFeaturedHot Topics·0 Comments·3 mins read·0
Review: “Something Like Summer” Series by Jay Bell BJ Sheppard·September 16, 2013I arrived at the male-male fiction party a bit late wearing yesterdays clothes and forgetting to bring my...CULTURE SAVVYFeaturedReviews·2 Comments·7 mins read·0
“Flaunting” Your Sexuality: Not Just a Gay Thing David W. Shelton·September 14, 2013Every time I hear someone ask why we gay people should have to “advertise” our homosexuality or our...CULTURE SAVVYFeaturedHot Topics·10 Comments·3 mins read·0