Colleges, What Do Your Rules Against Gays Say About You? Susan Cottrell·August 13, 2014“[T]here used to be no conversation. Now people are talking about [LGBT issues] all the time, and the...FeaturedFreedHeartsHot Topics·15 Comments·4 mins read·0
Review: “Same-Sex Marriage” by Sean McDowell & John Stonestreet Kathy Baldock·August 6, 2014This is the latest entry in the “we love the gay people but don’t think they are deserving...Reviews·5 Comments·5 mins read·0
A Gay Dad’s Letter to the Evangelicals Who Recruited Him When He Was 9… Rob Watson·July 29, 2014The headline pissed me off when I read it in my news feed. “Evangelical Group Plans to Convert...FeaturedHot Topics·6 Comments·5 mins read·0
Refuge for a Boy Called Virtue Kenny Pierce·July 19, 2014They thought that he was the son of a mayor, and for that he was shot. And lived....FeaturedHot TopicsTangentials·0 Comments·5 mins read·0
My Homosexual Agenda Robert Lofgren·June 26, 2014I have a homosexual agenda, but it’s not what you think. Today I was dialoguing in one of...Gay Post-EvangelicalHot Topics·11 Comments·5 mins read·0
An Affirming Pastor’s Letter to GLBT Christians Susan Cottrell·June 24, 2014“Let me begin by begging your forgiveness for the way you have been mistreated…” Wonderful readers, I share...FreedHeartsHot Topics·3 Comments·5 mins read·0
Is John MacArthur More Dangerous Than Fred Phelps? Susan Cottrell·June 17, 2014 Shun your gay child? Don’t even have a meal with them? This is not the heart of...FreedHeartsHot Topics·7 Comments·6 mins read·0
Paradox = Father’s Day for a Trans Woman Lisa Salazar·June 14, 2014 It seems innocent enough, to have a day to celebrate fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of...FeaturedHot Topics·3 Comments·4 mins read·0
John MacArthur, Bad Theology, and LGBTQ Suicides Brandan Robertson·June 11, 2014Yesterday, my friend Benjamin Corey posted a video on his blog featuring the well-known fundamentalist mega-pastor Dr. John MacArthur answering a...FeaturedHot Topics·19 Comments·6 mins read·0
“Reparative Therapy”? AGAIN? Nooooo…. Susan Cottrell·June 11, 2014 The Texas GOP has added so-called “reparative therapy” to its new platform. How out-to-lunch, out of touch,...FreedHeartsPolitics·5 Comments·3 mins read·0