Meditation is putting ourselves where God can give us a full wet kiss.
It’s a matter of letting go of the fears that come from our separateness and realizing that we are at home in the universe. We are loved. We belong. We are part of the Whole.
Meditation is receiving. That doesn’t mean it’s easy. It is not easy to open our hearts when we have been hurt so deeply. It’s not easy to hold love when the wear and tear of relationships have made us like leaky buckets.
“Receiving love is not a matter of passivity,” says Neil Douglas-Klotz. “It calls for a different kind of concentration, focus, and strength.”
and gave you a full wet kiss?
~ Hafiz
What’s it like when we gather our courage and do it? What happens when we get a full wet kiss from the limitless Love that pervades the universe?
The poet gave his answer: “Hafiz doesn’t mind answering astronomical questions like that: You would surely start reciting all day, inebriated, rogue-poems like this.”
* Hafiz was a 14th-century Persian mystic and poet.
BTW, great to be back after three months away from social media! Life has its seasons, and the past three months were hectic. But I’m excited now to focus more on the things I love doing – writing, teaching, and walking with others on their spiritual journey. Let me know if I can be of service.
Quotes: Hafiz. The Gift, 304. Neal Douglas-Klotz, The Sufi Book of Life, 11.
Photo by xavier pearson on Unsplash