From the Foreword
By Susan Cottrell, author of Mom, I’m Gay and True Colors
Suzanne DeWitt has written a delightful and dexterous devotional, Where True Love Is! She is a magician who shows us an empty square of cloth, ties it then unties it, to reveal a dove within! The empty cloth is our understanding of Correct Doctrine, which Suzanne ties and unties to reveal the Holy Spirit within!
Page after page, I smiled and highlighted Suzanne’s insights. For example:
“Let’s look at John’s wonderful proclamation again: ‘Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.’ What a powerfully inclusive statement.”
Powerfully inclusive indeed, and at direct odds with the exclusivity of so much of conservative Christian teaching, especially as they relate to the LGBTQI+ community.
Suzanne takes us on a journey to see God, the Bible, and Jesus as never before. She reminds us about God: “John doesn’t say ‘God is loving.’ He says ‘God is love.’ That’s a world of difference.” She tells us that the Holy Spirit breathes life, not the Bible.
She shows Jesus as lawbreaker who defends breaking the law, but also fulfills the law—and why that’s important for us! For those who’ve been run over by a truck of misused Bible passages, this devotional is healing.
Suzanne deals directly with homophobia, as when she talks about the woman who broke several commands as she touched Jesus’ robe:
“It was not her fault she had been bleeding for years. It was governed by some internal mystery of organs and hormones, and was not fixable despite her efforts to try and change it. The same thing is true for LGBTQI+ people. Their gender and sexual orientation is not something controllable or chosen. It cannot be “fixed” through conversion therapy or stern biblical admonitions. It simply is. These people should not be confined to closets as this woman with the issue of blood had been.
It was not her strict adherence to the rites and rituals of religion which made her whole. It was her faith. And that faith allowed her to go in peace.”
If you are looking for an enlightening perspective—if you want encouragement instead of discouragement—this is the devotional for you.
Enjoy every page: I did!
This excerpt is from the Foreward to Where True Love Is. Reprinted with permission of the author.
Available on Amazon in paperback and for Kindle.
You may contact Suzanne DeWitt Hall on Facebook or thru the site, Where True Love Is.