I wonder if people sometimes think I’m crazy. Okay, a variety of reasons for that might pop to mind, but I am thinking of this one.
When I am by myself — walking, driving, at the mall — I talk out loud. Sometimes working through my thoughts, getting them out. Often, I’m talking to God, praying, but unless you can hear me, you don’t really know that the heck I am doing!
In New York City, people on the street have very animated discussions, with no one you can see. Years ago, you would assume, Crazy. Nowadays, you look for a bluetooth. My daughter (who lived in NY) said the joke for this is, ‘Crazy or Bluetooth?’
A while back, I was amused by an incident that reminded me of me. I was with Rob at a restaurant, and through the window I could see a woman on the patio having a discussion. Fully animated. My husband was blocking the view of the seat opposite this woman, which I naturally assumed was occupied. But when Rob moved, I saw the seat was empty. I looked around the patio, but the woman was completely alone.
I was intrigued. She did not appear to be on a hands-free device. She did not appear crazy, either. Was she praying??
I want to put a nice little point on this, but I’m not sure what it is…
“Don’t judge others because you don’t know what’s going on in their lives.”
“One person’s crazy is another person’s prayer time.”
“Pray without ceasing, even if you’re out by yourself. And don’t worry about people watching.”
Perhaps I’ll just say, “Crazy is as crazy does” … and enjoy your prayer time, wherever and whatever it is.
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SUSAN COTTRELL is a national speaker, teacher, and counselor with years of Biblical study and discipleship experience. Her books include: Mom, I’m Gay – Loving Your LGBTQ Child Without Sacrificing Your Faith, as well as How Not to Lose Your Teen
and The Marriage Renovation
. Through her nonprofit organization – FreedHearts.org – Susan champions the LGBTQ community and families with her characteristic tender-heartedness, and she zealously challenges Christians who reject them with her wise insistence that “loving God and loving others” are the foundation of the rest of the scripture, just as Jesus said.
She is the Vice-President of PFLAG Austin, and her “Mom, I’m Gay” book has been endorsed by The Human Rights Campaign and others. Sharon Groves, PhD, HRC’s Religion & Faith Program Director says, “I often get asked by parents for resources that can address the struggles of raising LGBT sons and daughters without having to leave faith behind. Susan Cottrell’s book, Mom, I’m Gay, does just that. This is the kind of book that parents will love.”
She and her husband have been married more than 25 years and have five children – one of whom is in the LGBTQ community. She lives in Austin, Texas, and blogs at FreedHearts.org and here in IMPACT Magazine’s FreedHearts and Jesus Blog columns.