Film maker and art-house legend, Pedro Almodóvar has gone back to his comedy genre with this camp, frothy fun, and very gay-sex-romp of a film, “I’m so Excited.” The film has taken on the English name after a fabulously raucous and energetic dance number to the classic Pointer Sisters track. The original Spanish title is “Los amantes pasajeros,” which has a double meaning of “The fleeting lovers” and “The passenger lovers.” Both titles work.
The premise of the film is a group of passengers who are in first class of a stricken airline with broken landing gear. The mildly hysterical gay flight attendants have drugged the entire economy class, along with the economy staff with sleep tablets to keep them quiet while they circle around in the sky in the hope of finding an airport where they can touch down. Simple enough premise. This is where the bonkers fun starts.
This is a film where you throw out any knowledge or any rule book on emergencies aboard airlines, so disengage that part of your mind and just let the colourful visuals and the over-the-top camp-ness play out in front of you. Amongst the characters you will be pleased there is no singing nun or child going for a transplant, they definitely wouldn’t approve of the range of alcohol and drugged sexploits the cabin crew and passengers get up to.
I don’t want to spoil the fun, however, amongst the characters you have a dominatrix madam, a Mexican hitman, a psychic who’s desperate to lose her virginity, a older celebrity actor with a trail of failed romances, a banker on the run, and a bi-sexual pilot. Oh, you do have a honeymooning couple, but the bride has an affliction of giving the best blow jobs when sleep walking. Probably not one for the kids. As I said before, this film is completely bonkers, but super fun all the same.
Almodóvar has made a wily nod toward the current Spanish financial crisis, political sculduggery and even the Spanish Royal family in this film — made more amusing when such criticism is being parcelled up in such an animated colourful film.
The cast look like they’ve had such a riot making this film, and you will find all the usual suspects and cast lineup that you will find within the Almodóvar players. Even Almodóvar’s muse and Hollywood darling Penélope Cruz and Antonio Banderas make a cameo appearance.
I haven’t laughed so much for an age. It was complete escapism and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It didn’t have the usual Almodóvar deep message or angst-ridden emotional journey with dark characterisations, it was just bright, cheerful and pure fun.
I will be adding this to my DVD collection when it’s released, but in the mean time I would recommend getting down to your movie theatre and get equally excited as I did over this film. Enjoy.
I’m So Excited is distributed by Sony Pictures through Sony Classics
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JONATHAN WELFORD heads up GayDatingExpert.com, a relationship and dating coaching practice. He was awarded the accolade of being one of the top 10 Gay Relationship Bloggers for 2013.
He writes gay agony uncle columns for numerous publications in both the UK and USA, and is also a regular columnist for DatingAdvice.com. He lives with his Scottish husband in Manchester, UK.